Thursday, January 6, 2011


Dreams comes and go sometimes they are awkward sometimes they are not , mere thinking a text of it scares you sometimes. Some people say they are day dreamers , Its a common word for those who don't believe in success and believe in their destiny. I often dreamt of falling from height , when i was around 12-15 years of age i had a fear of falling from height in my dreams and often find myself stuck somewhere , specially beneath the ground . I felt quite helpless every moment i saw the same dream . Walking alone in a lonely street is an another dream i saw frequently . Parapsychologist always impressed me i often read books related to paranormal things, made several co relate
d instances where i observed some peculiar things and often repeated "hey that instance seems to have happened with me earlier ". I
started reading books often found quite interesting. Spent most the time watching night sky. Sky was quite hating for others ,but for me its like an open book , a source of information.I often scremed at midnight theres goes the shooting star. I was always able to make out and search for all visible constellations in winter. We had winter holidays of 60 days just after final exams , evetually it provided me an ample time to complete my study. often searched the small local state library for any material to study . While making few article cutting from daily news paper i saw the word "paranormal " in a magazine . I started reading the article .Most of the words used were quite heavy for me , but my handy dictionary quite helped me .It was 6-7 pages long and provided me the gist of what exactly the paranormal word means.